Saturday, March 9, 2013

ADD and Procrastination

Well, it's been nine month since I was here last. That's a long time to not be doing what I said I was going to do. But now the time has come. I've been away--writing a novel and starting another novel for middle grade readers but the other day something happened that snapped me back to this blog. The poster for the 2013 National Poetry Month arrived in the mail.

With only a few weeks to go before April, it's time for me to decide what kind of challenge I'm going to give myself. Writing a poem a day for the month of April is the basic challenge. But I have to decide what form of poetry I will write in and whether or not I'm going to include art with each poem.

Today is a sunny day here on Long Island and snow covers the ground even though the temps feel like spring. And tonight the clocks get moved ahead and daylight will linger a while longer each night. Now is a good time to put on some music, sit at my desk and play with words and color and see what I come up with.

Looking forward to April and poetry and art.

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